Are Clear Braces Cheaper Than Metal?

You might be wondering are clear braces cheaper than metal braces? If you are, don’t worry! You are not alone.

Pricing is a significant consideration for people deciding between different teeth straightening treatments. These days, there are so many treatments on the market and the costs can vary greatly. Many people are now opting for clear braces over metal braces for multiple reasons, including the pricing difference. This article will provide some insight into the pricing of teeth straightening treatments and the reasons for cost differences.

Are Clear Braces Cheaper Than Metal Braces?

Let’s first unpack the most important question: are clear braces cheaper than metal braces? Unfortunately, the answer is not clear cut. The cost of metal braces vs clear braces depends on your orthodontist, the company you choose for clear aligners, the severity of your misalignment and many other factors.

Having said that, we do have some general pricing that you can expect your treatment to cost. Traditional metal braces cost around $6,000 to $9,000 depending on your orthodontist and the length of treatment. Orthodontists also offer ceramic braces, which cost around $6,500 to $9,500. Lingual braces, which are braces that attach to the inside face of the teeth, require longer appointments and can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000.

Clear braces or aligners will cost around $6,000 to $9,000 if you go for a company like Invisalign and involve an orthodontist. However, other companies that provide at home clear aligners set their own prices which means there is a big variation in prices.

EZ Smile offer some of the cheapest clear aligners on the market today with our treatment starting from $2,499. We keep our prices as low as we can without sacrificing the quality of your treatment.

Having said this, it’s important to keep in mind more than just the up-front cost of the treatments. Each treatment is different in terms of appearance, comfort, convenience and length and you want the straightening process to suit your lifestyle. Price is important but you should make the decision that is best for your smile.

Factors Influencing Clear Braces vs Metal Braces Costs

There are multiple factors that contribute to the cost of teeth straightening treatments. Comparing clear braces vs metal braces cost involves considering the materials of the treatment, involvement of orthodontists, levels of customisation and other factors.

Metal braces require multiple appointments including initial consultations, attachment of brackets, wire changes and removal. The number of appointments involved will impact the price of the treatment and when an orthodontist is involved, automatically you will be paying their fees. Certain clear aligner brands, like Invisalign, require an orthodontist so their price will include orthodontic and appointment fees.

Traditional braces can also be made from a ceramic material to lessen their appearance. They otherwise use the same technology as metal braces to straighten your teeth but they will involve extra costs averaging $500. If you opt for lingual braces, the price will increase as they require longer appointment times and the brackets are custom made to fit on the inside of the teeth, unlike the standard brackets used for standard braces.

The cost of clear aligners varies greatly depending on the providing company, the severity of misalignment, length of treatment and any factors that cause teeth to lag such as improper use or damaged aligners.

How To Evaluate Clear Braces Cost vs Metal Braces Costs

When choosing between different teeth straightening treatments, it’s important to look beyond the price. Changing the alignment of your teeth is highly individualised and the right method for you may or may not be the cheapest option. You want to consider how severely misaligned your teeth are before deciding on a treatment. Metal braces are more suitable for more severe misalignment whereas clear braces are perfect for more minor changes. Keep in mind any previous dental work you have had, how long you want your treatment to last, any bite issues you may have and the difference the processes of the treatments.

If you prioritise comparing clear braces cost vs metal braces cost, you may choose a treatment that will not give you the results you want which will be a waste of your time and money. Look beyond the question are clear braces cheaper than metal and make the decision that is best for your situation.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Clear Braces vs Metal Braces?

As mentioned above, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each treatment option before making any decisions. Obviously, most people would prefer to pay less but the cheaper treatment may not always be right for you. Here are some things to consider besides the cost of metal braces vs clear braces.

Metal braces are great for fixing severely misaligned teeth and achieve good results, however, they can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. The brackets are attached to your teeth for the length of your treatment. This combined with the wires can make eating, drinking, brushing and maintaining good oral hygiene difficult. They are also obvious visually (even ceramic braces are still visible) which worries some people. Metal braces require wire tightening every few weeks which means regular trips to the orthodontist and you’ll be in a fair amount of discomfort after these wire change

Clear aligners may not suit someone requiring drastic realigning. However, they are perfect for smaller alignment changes without the inconvenience of braces. They are almost totally invisible, so people won’t look at you twice! Eating and brushing is no problem with clear aligners because they can be removed at any time, but make sure you wear them for at least 20 hours daily. Forget wire change appointments, you can just switch aligners at home!

Ensure You Take Care of Your Clear Aligners

The question, are clear braces cheaper than metal braces involves more than looking at the upfront cost. There can always be additional costs throughout either treatments. Lots of people try to eat something a bit too ambitious for their metal braces which can cause a broken wire or bracket. Luckily, with clear braces you don’t have to worry about that but that doesn’t mean you won’t find yourself needing to replace an aligner at some point. The best way to keep your treatment as cost-effective as possible is by ensuring you take care of your aligners.

With EZ Smile, you pay an upfront cost which covers every clear aligner you receive as part of your treatment. However, any damage to your aligners means replacements and replacements mean extra cost. If you keep needing new aligners, the cost of your treatment will increase. So, make sure you are keeping your aligner out of reach of any rogue dogs or young kids!

You also want to ensure that you keep your clear aligners clean. The last thing your teeth will need during the straightening process is an infection! Make sure you maintain good oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing as well as looking after your aligners.

Cost Effective Teeth Straightening with EZ Smile

So, clear braces can be cheaper than metal braces! Why would you spend more money than necessary on getting the smile of your dreams? You don’t have to compromise the quality of your aligners or results for the cost of your treatment with EZ Smile.

EZ Smile offers full treatments for only $2,499 which is up to 70% cheaper than traditional methods! Clear aligners are also a great choice for anyone looking for a convenient, invisible option for getting a straighter smile.

Our Australian based customer service team is available to help with any queries before, during or after your treatment. Take our free 30-second assessment on our website today to find out whether EZ Smile is right for you!